Battered Republican Syndrome, by Art Smukler, MD, author and psychiatrist

Ever hear of battered Republican syndrome?

Probably not, because I just thought of it after reading how Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska said that she could never support Trump and how sorry she is that her party supports him.

All of the Republicans in congress, except the seven who voted to impeach Trump, are his frightened slaves. Doesn’t it resemble what it must be like for a battered wife who refuses to call the authorities even after her sadistic, power hungry husband beats the hell out of her for the tenth time? Maybe, a small maybe at that, can turn her around after the bully beats up her kids.

Well, let’s think about it. Isn’t the batterer, Trump in this case, encouraging his followers to disparage war heroes, make fun of the impaired, laugh at stutterers, lie, not pay bills, abuse women sexually, and do all the things that you’ve taught your children not to do.

He’s not only attacking your values and your children’s values but threatening to imprison anyone who disagrees with him.

Or maybe Trump’s values are your values?

If so, then you’re probably not even reading this.

Happy Reading,


#Trumpthebatterer, #batteredwifesyndrome, #Lisamurkowski, #batterers, #bullies


I’ve been busy putting the final touches on, NINE NORTH, my latest novel, due to come out next week, but all I can think about is Elon Musk’s latest tweet advocating that all his followers should vote Republican. Elon Musk said that he wants to put Trump back on Twitter. It is horrifying!

Can you imagine if Musk took the 42 billion dollars that he used to purchase Twitter to help get the homeless off the streets or build new psychiatric hospitals or fight cancer or support women’s rights?

Vote for ethical honest candidates!

Liz Cheney is a person whose political ideas don’t all mesh with mine. But, she is a person who had the courage to stand up to the Republican bullies and Trumpies who are on the verge of ruining our country.

In my mind she is a hero.

So is Obama.

So is Joe Biden.

Don’t let greed and bigotry win. Vote for truthful, honorable people.

Tuesday is the day. If you haven’t yet voted, do it now.

After the election, check out THE REAL STORY, a mystery. Next week, get ready for NINE NORTH.